How to Take a Screenshot on the Galaxy S6


Screenshot on Galaxy S6You can send text-based messages and emails all day long, but when you want to show someone what you’re seeing on your phone, you need a picture. Fortunately, capturing a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge is as simple as hitting a pair of buttons in tandem, or just swiping across your screen.

Swipe for Screenshots  on the Galaxy S6

If you don’t mind using your whole hand, you can swipe from the right side to left to capture a shot. You should be slow and deliberate in your gesture, however.  
How to Take a Screenshot on the Galaxy S6

Two-Button Screenshots on the Galaxy S6

You can also use two buttons in tandem, which you may find faster and more accurate. But your fingers will need to press simultaneously. 
1. Place one finger on the power button, which is located on the right side. Don’t press it yet.
touch power button
2. Cover the home button with another finger.
use thumb
3. Hit both buttons simultaneously. If you hit one or the other first, you’ll end up going to home or putting the  phone to sleep, rather than taking a screenshot.
hit buttons
After you have taken a screenshot, you can find it a number of ways:
  • As a notification: Your most recent screen shot appears as an alert in  your notification drawer. You delete, edit, view or share it from there.
  • In the gallery.
  • In the /DCIM/Screenshots folder on the phone’s storage.
If you have automatic photo backup turned on in Facebook, Dropbox, Google+ or any other application, your screenshots will get uploaded just like pictures you snap with your camera. If you have Dropbox on  your PC and phone, the images will be available on your computer just a few seconds after you snap them on the Galaxy S6.

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