Chrome will soon pause auto-playing Flash ads by default


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Chrome developers have announced that an upcoming version of Chrome will prevent video ads from automatically playing when a website loads. The new feature has already been pushed out to beta builds and can be manually enabled by opening Chrome’s content settings and adjusting the plugin content options. This push comes as part of an overall effort to improve Chrome’s performance on modern laptops.
Last year, Chrome was dinged by the discovery that the browser would set the CPU clock interval as low as 1ms, waking the chip far more often than is necessary in order to improve responsiveness, but at the cost of battery life. That issue was apparently fixed by a browser update earlier this year, but Google has evidently been looking for other ways to improve laptop power consumption. Auto-playing flash video, of course, isn’t just a battery life issue — it’s extremely annoying to have multiple tabs start playing their own audio streams automatically.
This new feature doesn’t prevent the ad from loading, it just doesn’t play the ad unless the user manually chooses to do. The feature is controlled from within Chrome’s preferences, as shown below:
Google didn’t say that it was blocking ads, specifically, instead claiming to block content that isn’t “central to the webpage.” The implication, however, is that this is a shot across the bow of Flash advertising. One could also argue, cynically, that this is an attempt to push users towards alternative advertising platforms and text-based ads. Block ads that rely on flash video players, and you encourage the entire advertising ecosystem to switch over and start building ads that run on HTML5 or even Google’s own VP9 codecs. I’d argue that this is likely the point of the feature.
It’ll be particularly interesting to see how this interfaces with Facebook’s platform. As of last fall, the social network titan was using a mixture of HTML5 and Flash for serving up its auto-play videos. It’s not clear if FB has completely switched over or not, but if desktop users are still being fed the Flash version, Chrome might kill auto-play entirely (as a non-necessary feature) or speed Facebook’s transition to an all-HTML5 network.
Regardless of the reasons for the change, consumers who use Chrome can benefit from ad-blocking, though the degree to which this benefits you will obviously depend on how many websites you frequent with auto-playing ads.

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