verify payza account


There are basically 3 ways through which you can verify your Payza (Alertpay) account in Pakistan. 1. Credit Card. Verifying Payza (Alertpay) account via Credit Card is the most cost effective, automated and easy method.Mainly in Pakistan Standard Chartered Bank Debit or Visa card is more than useful for you. You can obtain these cards by opening basic banking account inStandard Chartered Bankand than apply for Visa Debit Card. After you get your card you are ready toverify your Alertpay account.Login into your payza account and Click on account verification than click on Verify your account via Credit Card(option B) . First it will ask for type of card just select Visa card and than enter your 16 digit Visa Card number,expiry date. Now turn over yourcard and look for 3 digit security card number. Just enter these digits into theverification area and click submit button. It will than display a message that payza (Alertpay) will soon send you dollar to verify your Visa card. Nowafter 2 business days look for the payza transaction in your Standard Chartered Bank account via online. It will show a transaction with some code into. just copy that code and enter this code back into your payza (Alertpay) account and now you shouldcongratulations screen. 2. Bank Wire If you don’t have credit card don’t worry. you can Verify and withdraw your earned money via Bank Wire. This option is useful that 80% of customers use this method because its safe, fast and requires no hassle. Just login into your account and go to add funds tab and request your money via Wire transfer.your account will automatically be verified when you request and receive your money. Now enter the amount you want to withdraw,your local bank name, branch name, Swift Code and Bank Foreign currency staff name and telephone number in case if there is any problem occurs. After 4 business days you will receive your money in your account and payzawill charge 20 dollars for this mode of payment. 3)By Check And Mobile Phone Third and last option is via check for which you also have to verify your mobile number. Login into your account and click on verification tab. Select this time withdraw money via check than it will ask for phone validation. Just enter your mobile number with country code and wait for message from Alertpay which will carry PIN code. You need to enter this PIN code into the screen so that your mobile phone will be verified. After mobile phone validation it will ask for check details. Enter your local bank account number, branch name or bank and the amount you want to withdraw. remember you can only request moneyvia check when you have more than 20 dollars in your account. After check request your check will arrive within 15business days. you will see verificationcode on check,put the code in verification check then your account will be have to submit it into your bank account. Bank will than verify this transaction and within 30 business days your money will eventually arrive in your bank account. This is more time consuming process but it is recommended for bigger transactions. Also its an cheaper method and it will cost you only 4 dollar per check.Your payza account must be verified for get full features.If you have unverified acount then you cannot get all features.but don't worry, you can send and recieve money in unverified account.I recommended you that, 1st you signupin payza accountthen try to verify your account as soon as possible.

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